law law n. (1) 法律, (一般的に)法; 掟(おきて); 慣例, ならわし; 《口語》 警察(官). 【動詞+】 abrogate a law 《文語》 法律を廃止する administer the law 法律を適用する adopt a law 法律を採用する amend the law その法律を修正する annul a
and how has this system of law worked for government ? では法律の制度は政府にはどう働くのでしょうか
in the early 8th century , the taiho ritsuryo (taiho code ) - a fully-fledged system of law - was issued , and the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) was established . 8世紀初頭には、本格的な法典体系である大宝律令が公布され、中央集権的な律令制が布かれることとなった。
however , with the introduction of criminal law in 1881 , the criminal legal system under the chinese system of law since ancient times ended and shifted over to the criminal legal system under the western system of law . だが、1881年(明治14年)の刑法導入によって、古代以来の中国法系の刑事法制は幕を閉じ、西洋法系の刑事法制に転換される事になった。
however , with the introduction of criminal law in 1881 , the criminal legal system under the chinese system of law since ancient times ended and shifted over to the criminal legal system under the western system of law . だが、1881年(明治14年)の刑法導入によって、古代以来の中国法系の刑事法制は幕を閉じ、西洋法系の刑事法制に転換される事になった。
by mid-edo period , while the world became peaceful and as society developed , new social issues emerged that could not be dealt with by the traditional shogunate system of law that succeeded the ancient system after the warring states period . 江戸時代も中期に差し掛かると、世の中は平和になる一方で社会が発展するにつれて新たな社会問題も生じ、古い戦国期以来の法体系を継承した従来の幕藩法体系では対応出来なくなってきた。
under the emperor ' s power , the new government introduced various systems from european countries and the united states , and made a set of reformations called maiji restoration , such as haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures ), abolition of the class system , establishment of the system of law and construction of national infrastructures . 新政府は天皇大権のもと欧米の諸制度を積極的に導入し、廃藩置県、身分解放、法制整備、国家インフラの整備など明治維新と呼ばれる一連の改革を遂行した。
that was pointed out by the facts that shikimokusho (a commentary on goseibai-shikimoku ) was compiled during the sengoku period (period of warring states ) of japan , that the designation of ' shikimoku ' was used for bunkokuho (the law individual sengoku-daimyo enforced in their own domain ), and that many commentaries were written for it as well as it was used for a textbook for writing in the edo period when a new system of law for samurai government was established . これは戦国時代 (日本)に式目抄が編纂されたり、分国法に「式目」の名称が採用されたほか、新たな武家政権の法体系が確立された江戸幕府の時期においても多くの注釈書が書かれ、手習いの教科書として採用された点からも指摘されることである。